Best Practices Recommended Resources on the Schools of Reggio Emilia
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Books and Resources

The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach Advanced Reflections, Second Edition
Carolyn Edwards, Lella Gandini, George Forman
This is the classic book explaining the history and philosophy of the city-run early childhood programs of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Children in these schools are can attend from birth to age six (including our kindergarten age). The title comes from the philosophy that children are encouraged to explore their environment and express themselves through many "languages," or modes of expression, including words, movement, drawing, painting, sculpture, shadow play, collage, and music. This is a comprehensive book.

First Steps Toward Teaching the Reggio Way
Joanne Hendrick This edited book is a collection of experiences by educators as they apply principles of the Reggio philosophy in their own environments. Through practical, real-life examples and advice, it shares experiences of ordinary teachers working to apply the Reggio Approach in their own classrooms, and demonstrates its wide applicability by discussing its implementation in a variety of teaching settings - including preschool, elementary school, with inner city children, in children's museums and more.

Innovations In Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange[MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION]
Merrill-Palmer InstituteThis is a newsletter that publishes articles relating to the educational philosophy of Reggio Emilia. Includes articles and interviews by early childhood educators of Italy and North America who have been influenced by the experiences of Reggio Emilia's early childhood program.
Click here to learn how to subscribe from Merrill-Palmer Institute.

Bambini: The Italian Approach to Infant/Toddler Care
Lella Gandini (Editor), Carolyn P. Edwards (Editor) A collection of examples of experiences with dynamic, open systems of organization that support emotional and cognitive development of infants and toddlers.
Complementary family-centered systems of early care, education, and intervention
Practical experimentation and teaching strategies like the inserimento (first transition of child and family into the center), and diario (memory book), as well as explanations of the rationale behind them
Best practices for quality care programs with broad implications for reflective teaching in America’s early care programs.

Bringing Reggio Emilia Home: An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Education. Teachers College Press
Louise Boyd Cadwell This book is based on the author's year-long internship in the preschools of Reggio, Italy, and then adaptation to a school in St. Louis. Louise Cadwell shares her understanding of the "Reggio" philosophy and how they applied it in programs in their school

Bringing Learning to Life The Reggio Approach to Early Childhood Education
Louise Boyd Cadwell
Foreword by Carlina Rinaldi
Addresses the fundamental principles of the Reggio Approach as they are experienced in the daily life of three American schools that have attained a very high level of understanding and practice.
Uses an engaging, journal-style format to describe real-life classrooms, including details on the flow of the day, parent participation, teacher collaboration, the importance of the environment, documenting students’ work, and assessment.
Features many illustrations of children’s work as well as photos of "Reggio-inspired" classroom interiors and art materials, including some in full color.
Recounts the significant highlights of the author’s week-long visit to Reggio Emilia, illustrating connections with the work being done in the St. Louis schools.

North American Reggio Emilia Alliance
Inspired by the Reggio approach, this organization is a network of educators, parents, and advocates seeking to elevate both the quality of life and quality of schools and centers for young children through conferences, dialogue, published articles and books. The official periodical of NAREA is Innovations described above.Click here to go to the website of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance.

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