Keynote Addresses by Judy Harris Helm

Contegrity: Continuity and Integrity in Education
We face many challenges in our schools and centers today- demands for greater quality of care and standards in our schools. At the same time that brain research challenges us to integrate and focus on meaningful learning experiences, some parents demand back to basics. Are we doing what is best for children? This keynote is about continuity and integrity. What it is, where it is, and what we need to do to get it and keep it. It is a humorous look at what we do with children all day but at the same time a hard hitting confrontation about what we ought to be doing and maybe aren't. The speech ends with an inspiring and upbeat multi-media closing "There's A Place for Us."

If We Don’t Know Where We’re Going, How Do We Know When We’re There? Standards and Assessment in Early Childhood Education
Why assessment and standards? Can we teach in developmentally appropriate ways and still meet the needs of accountability? This is a no-holds-barred look at assessment with young children... WHY we do it, HOW we do it, and WHAT we do with it when we are done. A true-life journey with some pertinent attention to keeping our lookouts alert, not running out of gas, and going full steam ahead.Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

Brain Development: What’s Hype? What’s Real?
If you have heard about the brain studies but have trouble understanding what this means for you, in your classroom, with your children; this keynote is for you. Dr. Judy Harris Helm shares the most powerful new insights into the brain in a way anyone can understand and apply it. She briefly shares what is happening in latest brain research and ties it to implications in three areas: how we handle the early years, the effect of emotion on learning and development, and how the brain learns and the implications for teaching. This keynote helps everyone understand how to do a better job of helping children be smart. Teachers will never look at students and learning in the same way. Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

The Project Approach in the Early Years: How Do They Do That?
This keynote focuses on the use of the project approach and investigation in the formative early years (toddlers through first grade), specifically in childcare centers, preschools, early childhood special education and early primary classrooms. Why do projects in early childhood when children are not yet readers and writers? Can teachers identify interests in very young children? How do teachers help young children formulate questions for investigation? How do young children represent their learning? Teacher quotes, children's work, and photographs document the project process in classrooms for young children in diverse settings. This keynote inspires at the same time it makes project work look attainable. Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

Creating a Cognitively Challenging Curriculum:
Keeping Investigation in Project Work

What is cognition? How is it supported? What is the role of emotions and dispositions in cognitive learning? How can we facilitate project work so that children develop intellectually? In this keynote address, the audience sees how teachers from diverse settings use project work as away to teach children how to remember, symbolize, categorize, plan, predict, reason, problem solve, create, and fantasize. In other words, how projects can help children become those wonderful creative thinkers that we are all going to need in the future.Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

The Power of Documentation
What if you had the power to help others see and understand all the learning that occurs in your classroom? What if you were able to share your insight into the value of engaged active learning experiences and following the interests of children? Would perceptions of parents, other teachers, and administrators change? In this keynote, the audience experiences the power of documentation by seeing documentation of children’s work from US classrooms. They see how teachers are capturing and collecting evidence of children’s learning in their own classrooms. Through a multimedia presentation of real classrooms, the audience experiences teacher documentation first hand. Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

Violence: What is it doing to our children and families? What can we do about it? Unfortunately, violence is a part of many of our young children's lives. Some of our children experience violence first hand, some see violence in their families, and some live in supportive families but experience violence in their community. All children, no matter where they live, are also in danger because of violence in media. What is the effect of violence on children and families? How does it effect brain development? What can we do in early childhood programs to support our children and families in crisis? What can we do in schools? This keynote is a wake-up call with ideas for reducing the long-term effects of violence on children. Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

Moving on Down the Road: A Good Start to Literacy
Does brain research provide insight into literacy experiences for prekindergarten and kindergarten? What are phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and concepts of print and how do these relate to the way the brain processes information. What are developmentally appropriate preliteracy experiences for young children? Are we providing what children in our prekindergarten and kindergarten classrooms need to enable them to learn to read? Are you confused about conflicting massages about literacy? This keynote moves from the why, to the what, to the how on early literacy experiences.Click here for coordinating breakout workshops

Are You Ready for 21st Century Early Childhood Education?

Will you be teaching the same way you taught two years ago?...five years ago? ....ten years ago? Has new information about brain development and learning come to your classroom or your center? Or is it same-o same-o? This keynote looks at changes in our understanding of how children learn, how institutions function, and what knowledge, skills and dispositions will be required of our children in the future. What should we be doing as teachers and caregivers? This multi-media presentation will open your eyes and motivate you to be the best you can be.

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